Learning Simplified

Your one-stop destination for Simplified, Comprehensive, Interactive, and engaging learning experience.

Skill Courses

Manage Courses

Create Lecture Notes & Materials For Courses.

Manage Students

Create, Manage And Grade Students Coursework.

Manage Tutors

Stay informed on all our tools and technologies.

Solutions CTlearn Provides

Unlike other Visual Learning Environments, CTlearn User Interface (UI) is simplified making it easier to navigate the system thereby helping those with low IT knowledge to use the platform without series of training.

Being a decentralized Visual Learning Environment (VLE) will help solve the learning cultural differences that exist within our schools and Higher Institutions.

CTlearn User Interface (UI) makes it easier for teachers with lower IT skills to easily navigate within the entire system without undergoing several training on how to use CTlearn.

The Competition








Well Simplified UI

Learning Culture

Advance Technology

Schools / Institution Controls

Decentralize, Well Simplified UI, Learning Culture, Advance Technology, Schools or Institution Controls.

Take the next step toward your school growth with us.

We provide Virtual Learning for high institutions (Universities) and Secondary (High) Schools, helping the student to prepare for the world ahead with the experience they gather while using the platform, it creates a well grounded experience of learning with counterparts around the world.